Grant Details
Grant opens: March 15, 2021
Deadline: March 19, 2021
The Leech Lake Child Care Services is opening round nine of the Emergency Supplies Grant. This grant is open to all licensed providers within our service area (10 miles past the border of the Leech Lake Reservation).
If you already received an award for the previous rounds of this grant, you are still eligible for round nine.
What can be purchased?
- Health & safety items
- Cleaning supplies
- Paper products
- Materials for DIY face masks
- Baby wipes
- Baby diapers
- Pressure washer for outdoor equipment cleaning
- Computer scanner
- Larger developmentally appropriate equipment
- Contract an individual to review/create policies
- Food: Any food purchased with the grant money is ineligible for reimbursement through any food program
- You must turn in all receipts to Cora Roy, 30 days after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency has passed
- You must submit your receipts for grant rounds one through seven
- You must be registered on
- You must submit a copy of your COVID-19 policy
- Purchases must meet licensing health & safety standards
- You MUST be continuing to provide care during the COVID-19 public health emergency
If you are interested in applying for this grant, contact Cora Roy at